
Welcome to my cycle touring website. I document my adventures by bicycle from around the world. I hope you enjoy!

50 photos from Africa

"Let's face it an unarmed white man travelling alone across Africa what are the chances of making your trip WITHOUT being killed, raped or robbed? Pretty slim. I commend Gostelow however naïve he is."

Trust readers of your local newspaper to support you. The story of my machete attack was splashed across the front page of the Dorset Echo last Thursday. I'm glad to say other readers posted more positive comments than the one above. In actual fact the chances of being robbed of something in Africa, if you're here long enough, are  probably quite good. Killed, raped, or attacked by a machete is a different matter. I wonder if this commentator has ever stepped onto the continent or been following my travels to date? I doubt it.

The final stitches come out later today. In another week the splint supporting my wrist will be off too. I'm feeling more active, which at the same time means more restless.

There has been no word from the police regarding the theft of my camera and belongings, nor the capture of those machete-wielding savages. I had little hope from the beginning. That particular stretch of Dakar's corniche, highlighted on  my map, will witness another attack I have no doubt. I hope the next victim is less resistant to giving up their belongings than I was, or reads something like this before going.

Earlier in the week I promised a selection of favourite photos from Africa. Here they are. Many thanks to those who've offered to contribute towards replacing the stolen camera. My trip feels incomplete without one.

R&R in The Gambia

R&R in The Gambia

Wondering when: Post-operation recovery