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To digest with Christmas Lunch

Festive Greetings from Cameroon.Just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has thus followed my journey by bicycle from England through Africa. 2011 promises to be another exciting year as I pedal towards South Africa.If you are not subscribed to the website newsletter and wish to receive e-mail updates when I write a post you can do so

If you know of friends who would be interested in my journey or media sources for that matter, please spread the word about the Big Africa Cycle. There are some interesting countries coming up ahead.If you belong to the Twitter World you can also follow my tweets at

For the first time in Africa I have been able to link my Cameroon sim card with twitter so can tweet from the road. And now for a few numbers:

Time on the road since leaving England: 16 months

Distance cycled: 17,300km

Distance remaining to South Africa: At least another 12,000km with the route I'm taking

Countries remaining en route: 12-ish

Countries travelled through: 17

Money raised for Against Malaria Foundation: £9600. If you can spare some Christmas change it would be great to hit the £10,000 mark by the New Year. In 2011 I plan to be involved in another distribution of mosquito nets in east Africa. £3 or $5 guarantees the purchase of a bed-net and it will be me helping to distribute them. You can donate at:

If any of you have contacts in the following countries who would be happy to assist/meet/host this cycle nomad on his way to South Africa I would be happy to hear from you/them:Central African Republic, Democratic Republic Congo, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa.

Best wishes to you all for Christmas and New Year, wherever you are in the World
